If you have visited the Charles and Co Café at GMHBA Stadium over the last month, no doubt you would have seen the giant 20 foot Christmas tree showcased in the foyer.
There is a lot more to this tree than being just an impressive (and very large) Christmas decoration.
Now in its 17th year, the bay 93.9 Bethany Giving Tree Appeal is a wonderful community initiative that everyone can be involved with. Throughout December, the community was invited to make a donation of a gift for a boy, girl, man or woman which will be delivered to a person or family in need in time for Christmas.
Over 150 gifts were placed under the Kardinia Park Tree during the duration of the appeal. “We are thrilled to be involved in this great Geelong initiative’ Kardinia Park Stadium Trust CEO, Michael Brown said. “I would like to thank the Geelong Football Club and Villawood properties for their partnership in bringing the Tree to the Stadium. We look forward to continuing to support the appeal for many Christmas’s to come”.