
In January 2015, the State Government of Victoria announced its intention to establish the Kardinia Park Stadium Trust, a statutory authority established under its own Act of Parliament to oversee the development and operations of GMHBA Stadium. The Trust consists of five high profile business identities:

Joe Calafiore (Chair)

Gillian Costa (Deputy Chair)

Bernadette Uzelac AM

Clare Amies

Tony Ficca

John Eren



The main responsibilities of the Finance Audit and Risk Committee are to:

  • Review and report independently to the Trustees on the Annual Report and all other financial information published by the Trust;
  • Assist the Trustees in reviewing the effectiveness of the Trust’s internal control environment covering:
    • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
    • Reliability of financial reporting
    • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Determine the scope of the internal audit function and ensure its resources are adequate and used effectively, including coordination with the external auditors; and
  • Oversee the effective operation of the risk management framework.
  • The FARC meets monthly and makes recommendations to the Trust on specific issues.

The Finance Audit Risk Committee (FARC) consists of the following member’s independent from Management:

Bernadette Uzelac – Chair

The Committee focuses on determining the Trust’s policy and practice for executive remuneration and the individual remuneration packages for its executives in line with the recommendations per Government Sector Executive Remuneration Panel (GSERP).

The Remuneration Committee consists of:

Gillian Costa – Chair

Annual Reports




Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Register


You can view our Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Register Policy HERE


View 2023/2024 register

Public Interest Disclosure Procedure

The Kardinia Park Stadium Trust is subject to the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act). The purpose of the PID Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct of public officers and public bodies, including the Trust, its employees, and officers. The Trust is committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act. It does not tolerate improper conduct by its employees, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct.

View Procedure

Our Commitment to Child Safety

All children who come to Kardinia Park Stadium have a right to feel and be safe and we have a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse. We aim to create a child-friendly environment where children feel safe. Kardinia Park Stadium Trust is committed to the principles of cultural safety and inclusion of children from diverse backgrounds and to the safety and inclusion of children with disability, and we recognise that these principles support the safety of all children. The Trust values the voices of children and will act on concerns raised by children or their families in regard to their safety.

  • Kardinia Park Stadium Trust is committed to child safety.
  • We want children employed or volunteering at the Trust to be safe, happy and empowered.
  • We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.
  • We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children.
  • We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures.
  • We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.
  • The Trust is committed to preventing child abuse through a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks associated with Child abuse.
  • The Trust has robust human resources and recruitment practices to reduce the risk of child abuse by new employees. Measures include, and are not limited to, undertaking the relevant screening checks (specific to the role), which may include identity, criminal record, Working with Children Checks and qualification checks.
  • The Trust is committed to mandatory Child Safe education as part of all induction processes supported by regular training refresh courses.
  • We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
  • We have specific policies and procedures in place, that support our employees to achieve these commitments.